Geometry Units and Skills

First, the good news. I have a teaching job lined up for this August! While I can’t go into details about it quite yet (partly because I’m not sure of some of the details myself), I’m pretty certain I’ll be teaching Geometry some of the time.

Having to start planning everything from scratch is a little daunting, though with new standards being introduced in Oklahoma this year, I’m pretty much in the same boat as everyone else here.

I’ve started planning what my units will look like. I’ve never taught Geometry as a single year long subject like this before. In Australia, all students take “maths” through Year 10, with the three content strands (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Probability and Statistics) taught each year. Even in Year 11 and 12, the subjects available are more split by difficulty rather than by mathematical area.

This means I’ve taught everything in Geometry before, but never to the one class in the one year. Which means I need to do a lot of planning. I’ve completed the first step: creating a list of units that cover everything, and deciding the SBG skills that fit into them.

Here are my units with matching Oklahoma standards and SBG skills for Geometry. To download, click here for docx or here for pdf.

I’m putting this out there partly because someone else might make use of it, but with the understanding that this has been written by someone who’s never taught the subject before. If you have any ideas about how I might improve my units, please don’t hesitate to leave me any feedback.